Feb 7, 2014

"Heart in Your Hands" Card

Valentine's Day is a fun but stressful time for a lot of people.  Boys are particularly stressed because shopping for girls can be very difficult.  Cards can be cheesy, but who isn't on Valentine's Day?  This card is really easy and can mean a lot, make a heart out of your own hand shapes! The steps are easy to follow. 

Hey, if a fancy dinner doesn't fit into your budget, maybe you could treat your special someone to lunch at a BYU Dining Services restaurant.  An ice cream from the BYU Creamery or something from one of our Jamba Juice location might also be a good way to sweeten the day.  It would certainly provide a good opportunity to surprise your valentine with your handmade card.  Who knows, maybe Captain Literally would literally give you a high five for that one!

1. Fold a paper in half

2. Trace your hand on the paper with your thumb and index finger touching the folded line.

3. Cut out your hand.

4. But be sure to not cut through the folded part with your thumb and index finger.

5. Unfold your paper and you have a hand-heart card. Write a cute little message and you are done!

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