May 12, 2020

Madagascar Coconut Chicken & Rice

Serves 8
3 tbsp. Oil
2 lbs. 12 oz. Chicken
Salt & Pepper to Taste
1 Large Yellow Onion, Diced
1 oz. Ginger, Minced
16 fl. oz. Coconut Milk*
2-3 Tomatoes, Diced
8 Servings Rice (Cooked) ~Jasmine rice is preferred

Cut the tomatoes, onions, garlic and ginger.
Cut the chicken across the grain into stir fry sized pieces.
~~It is very important to cook in small batches to get proper caramelization of the chicken and onions~~
Heat a small amount of the oil in the pan and add some of the chicken in a single layer. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Add the onions. Stir occasionally until the onions and chicken begin to brown.
Add the ginger and tomatoes** cook for a minute or two. Add the garlic and cook for another minute or two then add the coconut milk. Simmer until the chicken is cooked through.
*One can of coconut milk is about 13 FL. OZ. You can use just one can if desired, it will be a little less saucy.
**If you don’t like cooked tomatoes you can add the tomatoes just before you serve it or let people add their own on top.

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